Friday, August 7, 2009

Wet Paint, Pickled Okra...

Working on this 10x8, Oil/Canvas today, I approached it by treating all the shapes as abstract forms... laying in areas of color, shaping up with the negative spaces and building up to the highlights. A common practice for many, but it was a different and purposeful approach for me with this painting today. This method simplified the act of painting the subject matter and allowed it to flow freely without getting bogged down. It is funny how freeing it was in being mindful of this approach... duh.

Thanks to our friend Judy for the pickled Okra... now we can eat it!


Camille LaRue Olsen said...

Really beautiful job on this jar of pickled okra. I don't even like okra but this makes me want to open it and try some:)

Greg Little said...

Thanks Camille!