Sunday, July 17, 2011

Complementary Me...

Oil/Linen Panels

This week I did a series of four self portraits using Complementary Colors, each on a 10x8 Linen Panel.. from left to right in the photo- 1) Chromatic Black & Titanium White 2) Cobalt Blue & Cadmium Orange 3) Scarlet Lake & Viridian Green 4) Dioxanine Purple & Cadmium Yellow Medium. It was a great value study project in using only the two colors for each painting.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hot Fries...

Oil/Canvas Panel

... the glow of the heat lamps striking a bottle of hot sauce caught the eye of my friend Ellen Weiss , as we were having lunch after a morning of plein air. The cook at the Floridian, in his yellow shirt, showed up just in time to provide some action in her photo. Ellen was kind enough to share her photo with me for this painting... thanks Ellen!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Testing The Water

Oil/Canvas Panel

A studio painting reflecting those moments of childhood we all remember ... endless amounts of time, new discoveries, testing the limits....