Sitting in traffic at a red light the other evening, I passed the time watching several large flocks of birds moving like a roller coaster in the sky as they were deciding where to roost for the night. Their movements were amazing and I imagined the thrill they must be having... it was thrilling just to watch how fast they were moving and with such choreography.
I did this today from memory in the studio using a limited pallet of Manganese Blue, Cad Yellow Light, Ivory Black and Titanium White. I also used a warm gray that I made from mixing the leftovers on my pallet from the day before to temper the blue of the sky... that worked really well.
Here is my question about this painting... I did it with an upcoming abstract show in mind. In concept I saw this possibly working... I will be the first to declare that abstraction is not my forte... is it too defined to work for this show? Probably just by asking the question, the answer is already "Yes!"... oh well, I still have two days before drop off ...
Hi Greg
If you had not revealed the subject, I would not have guessed what the painting is representing. Fish perhaps, but not quite with that line..adds more to think about. Like all good abstract work, I ( the viewer ) could easily make up my own story. Keep the birds out of the title and I think it would work very well as an abstract (imho).
That said I love it for what it is...a swooping flock of birds...you really caught the feeling.
Hey Chuck, Thanks for taking the time to send your very valid point of view! (Ken, too, saw fish!) I agree totally about the title. If I decide to use it, and I am still out to lunch on that. perhaps it will be "Untitled". G
I love this painting, and love seeing you work in a "less" defined way. I see abstract art as art that depicts real forms in a simplified or rather reduced way - keeping only an illusion of the original natural subject. I think it's perfect, I hope you entered it.
Thanks Lori for your comments... you got me charged up to say, "Yeah!!!" so I went to drop it off on Sunday for the show... only to notice on the prospectus as we pulled up to the gallery that intake was on Saturday.... whoops!...
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